Courses and Login

8637527374_26ce074f75_oHow to get started with the eLearning?
Click on the “Register” button to create a user. Fill in the required information (please use your DRC-Email) and your profile will be ready within 1-3 business days.

You can find our Lingos guidelines on Insite. Please check this out.

When you register as a user, you agree to Humentum’s data protection policy.

Which courses should I enroll in?
The Lingos course catalogue is very extensive. After you log in, a new tab will open in your browser.  On this tab, you can search and browse the full course catalogue. To make it easier for you we have found a selection of courses that we recommend you to enroll in. Find the links below.

: Please note that some of the courses have a nominal fee, and all the costs are covered by the HR HQ. This means that you have to complete all the courses you enroll in. Please do not enroll in more than two courses at a time. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Recommended courses

Since the course catalogue is extensive, we have found a selection of courses that we recommend you to enroll in. This is to make it easier for you. Find the links to these courses below. Please that you have to be logged in (i.e. have a user) in order to use these links.


Management and leadership:
(Remember that you can also sign up for high-quality courses through eCornell if you want to develop your management and leadership skills)


Microsoft Office:

  • There are many different courses on Excel, Word, Outlook, Access and PowerPoint. Please use the search function when you have logged in to find the most relevant for you, or click here.

Language courses:

  • There are many different language courses, in English, Spanish and French. Please use the search function when you have logged in to find the most relevant for you.
  • As a start you can take the English – placement test  (also available in Spanish and French)

For HR professionals: HR skills

For HR professionals: HR business partnering

Don’t know anything about WASH? Check out these learning paths if you want to learn the basics.

Personal safety and security awareness: